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Art and Creativity Can Change Your Life

Art and Creativity Can Change Your Life

In life, we face many hurdles and each one helps us grow as a person. Emotions, thoughts and feelings really impact how we perform or decide to live our everyday life. In my online course, Mindfully Creative, I explore how to achieve peace and relaxation, with the injection of art and creativity, in mindfulness practices. I talk about acknowledging how we feel and to paint or carry out creative exercises without pressure or judgement.

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The Art of Color

The Art of Color

If you look online, there are so many different variations on a definition of “What is Color?” Color and light go hand in hand because it’s actually light reflected by an object that creates color. Have you seen some of the Pearlescent creations I’ve made on my YouTube channel? All the paints look white but they change color when light is reflected through them when dry. When we think of Color in an Art perspective, we think of Color theory and the color wheel, values of color whether it’s opaque or transparent, color palettes and color schemes. Color actually plays a huge part in fluid art and what we can create, and what color works well with another.

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Nature – the perfect way to get inspired and heal from a creative block?

Nature – the perfect way to get inspired and heal from a creative block?

Isn’t Nature amazing? Who doesn’t like getting outside in nature and just immersing yourself into it. But how often do we do it and is it actually good for us? Whether it is looking at the colors and textures around you, smelling the freshly cut grass or fresh air, or listening to the sound of the trees blowing or the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Really being in touch with nature and allowing your Senses to connect can bring a sense of inspiration, healing and calmness.

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Creating the right environment for you

Creating the right environment for you

Let’s face it. We know that we are ALL uniquely different as human beings (and as artists), so our creative spaces and the environment we paint in will not be the same as everyone else. But our end goal of using our creative space tends to be the same. We each want to be happy with the creations we have painted, accept its flaws and celebrate the successes.

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Positivity is a state of mind that is characterized by optimistic and hopeful thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is a way of thinking that focuses on the good, rather than dwelling on the negative. When we cultivate positivity in our lives, it can have a significant impact on our emotions and mental wellbeing.

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Happy New Year! I hope 2024 is a great year for you and wish you so much success with your creativity. As this is a new year, and my second blog on Smart Art Courses, I really wanted to really focus on something that I think is essential for any artist or person who puts their art and creativity “out there” for the world to see. Resilience. It’s not easy, but I think it’s a much-needed survival mechanism, especially when we tend to take things to heart. I know I do, and over the last 4 years especially I can relate to that emotion.

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Celebrating our Differences Creatively

Celebrating our Differences Creatively

As artists, we often compare ourselves with peers or those people that really inspire us as we develop and evolve. But what we don’t do often enough is embrace our differences and our individuality. This month’s blog discusses how to celebrate our differences in our creative approach and how practising our own authenticity will impact the creative community we are part of.

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