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Managing your own Expectations
As an artist, I think it’s fair to say we can sometimes (mostly) be our own worst critics. I know I can, and I was reflecting on why that might be? I came to the conclusion that it would be for a variety of reasons whether it’s about an emotional attachment to always doing something the “right” or “perfect” way, our personality characteristics or traits or even lived experiences that have impacted our own creativity and need to be loved or accepted.
Evolve as an Artist
Over the last 11 months I’ve explored various topics, including why we paint, what inspires us, fear of failure and creativity in general. I’ve really enjoyed being able to discuss my thoughts and dive deeper into various topics.
Over the last 11 months I’ve explored various topics, including why we paint, what inspires us, fear of failure and creativity in general. I’ve really enjoyed being able to discuss my thoughts and dive deeper into various topics.
This month, i want to end 2024 with a topic on why it’s important to evolve as an artist, and step outside of your comfort zone even if it is a challenge. It’s sometimes about taking a deep breath, believing in yourself and taking a leap of faith.
The Process – from Start to Finish
I’ve been “creative” since a child and I’ve always really enjoyed the Arts. I fell in love with fluid art and abstract art over 5 years ago, and decided to give it a go myself. Fast forward to now and I’m proud of the YouTube channel I’ve established and I’m proud that it’s authentic and has grown organically – I’ve not paid for followers and I always try and interact with as many people who support me as possible.
The Seasons – Color Palettes to Inspire our Art
Wherever we live in the world, we probably experience the traditional seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The seasons will show us temperature changes but what I really love about seasonal changes is the natural colors nature gives us in the environment that we live in. Nature can be really inspirational especially when it comes to color palettes. There are also traditional colors we can associate with the seasons. For example, for me, summer with warm bright colors – I always associate yellow with the warmth of the sun.
Fear of Failure
When we paint or we want to explore our creativity even more and expand on our own knowledge and skills what is the one thing that really stops you from doing that? Just going ahead and trying something new! I’ve been thinking about this and I believe that the fear of failure is instilled in all of us; but it’s overcoming that fear that allows us to evolve and grow as artists. In fact, it allows us to grow and evolve as human beings and it can affect other parts of our life too….
Why do we Paint?
I often wonder why I started to paint in my 40’s, and why I was drawn to paint now…..
Art and Creativity Can Change Your Life
In life, we face many hurdles and each one helps us grow as a person. Emotions, thoughts and feelings really impact how we perform or decide to live our everyday life. In my online course, Mindfully Creative, I explore how to achieve peace and relaxation, with the injection of art and creativity, in mindfulness practices. I talk about acknowledging how we feel and to paint or carry out creative exercises without pressure or judgement.
The Art of Color
If you look online, there are so many different variations on a definition of “What is Color?” Color and light go hand in hand because it’s actually light reflected by an object that creates color. Have you seen some of the Pearlescent creations I’ve made on my YouTube channel? All the paints look white but they change color when light is reflected through them when dry. When we think of Color in an Art perspective, we think of Color theory and the color wheel, values of color whether it’s opaque or transparent, color palettes and color schemes. Color actually plays a huge part in fluid art and what we can create, and what color works well with another.
Nature – the perfect way to get inspired and heal from a creative block?
Isn’t Nature amazing? Who doesn’t like getting outside in nature and just immersing yourself into it. But how often do we do it and is it actually good for us? Whether it is looking at the colors and textures around you, smelling the freshly cut grass or fresh air, or listening to the sound of the trees blowing or the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Really being in touch with nature and allowing your Senses to connect can bring a sense of inspiration, healing and calmness.
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